Sunday, June 4, 2017

Trailer Trad Living: Wallace Idaho

I recently ventured over to Montana for the weekend and stayed in the little town of Wallace, Idaho. It's a weird little town that was built on wealth from silver mining that is still very important to this region's economy. As a matter of fact, there was a strike underway by a group called the Lucky Friday Miners and support posters were in many windows in town.

What makes the town interesting is that, around twenty years ago, an interstate was planned to rip through the town. Powerful families (a thing in Idaho) steered the highway (I-90) above the town on elevated ramps. The entire town was then designated as an historic preservation area and, as a result, most of it is very well preserved.

Its almost as if a Chernobyl-style emergency evacuated the town in 1950 and everyone left. This is one of those areas that definitely has that Northwest, 'Twin Peaks' style eeriness. I loved it!

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