Saturday, April 18, 2015

Don't Be Like This Me: DirectTV has Pulled Rob Lowe's Commercials

"Why I am out of Step with Main-Stream Tastes": Evidence Exhibit #943

I happen to think that DirectTV's Rob Lowe spots were some of the best advertising of 2014. Unfortunately, the company recently pulled them and I don't know why. Viewers apparently hated them or found them offensive. Again, I don't have a clue why. While he may not have turned out to be as successful as Tom Cruise or have the recent career revivals of Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr, his recent work including on the great Parks and Receation certainly would lead one to believe that he would be a great, comedic front-man. Lil' Bean also thinks that they're funny and can't understand why so many of her classmates hate the commercials. Well, here are few of them to judge for yourself.

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