Do you sometimes feel like abandoning J. Press but don't know an alternative source to get ribbon watchbands? I have a suggestion. Nato Strap Co. is an outfit that I just recently learned about from a coworker who sports an awesome Timex Weekender that is a trailer trad classic. Class... why would this item be trailer trad? Right. Cool and cheap. Anyway, once I obtain one of these watches, I will go the Nato Strap Co. for a lot of style for under $13.00 bucks each. There are literally 25 PAGES of watch bands in different colors and color combinations. The straps also come in different widths and the band hardware come in different materials and finishes As you can see, almost all of them are distinctive and handsome looking. They also have leather bands that might be interesting to try.
I have many favorites but the LeMans shown below is cool but I keep coming back to the bright 'scuba' look of the O Negative and Inmate Orange bands.